

Thanks for considering volunteering on my campaign! I need your help to be the next councillor for District 8 Halifax Peninsula North.

It takes a village, and this campaign is no different. To get started, email admin@Frost4District8.com with the following:

  1. Name

  2. Preferred method to be contacted.

  3. How you would like to help.

I would love as much help as you can give, and doing whatever you are comfortable. Some of the things we are looking for, but not limited to:

·       Walk with me as I canvas door to door: Help me collect support and track supporters.

It is great to walk a neighborhood with a person from that neighborhood.

  • Phone calls: calling people to talk about the campaign, track support, and most importantly: call our supporters to make sure they get out vote!

  • Signs: Putting signs together, putting them signs up and pulling signs down.

  • Social Media and online presence: Helping to reach out to people via social media. Also help managing our online presence.

  • Fundraising and events: Campaigns are fueled by dedicated volunteers and generous donations. Help raise money for the campaign. We’re also looking for support to organize and run events throughout the campaign.

  • Policy & issues

Any time and expertise you can lend to the campaign is very appreciated. If you have an idea, or an hour to pitch in, reach out: admin@Frost4District8.com

I hope you can join the team!
